Shana saw policies of austerity and privatization being put into place by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, which disproportionately affect black, brown and poor folks in her hometown of Chicago. And when it looked like there was a candidate who had a shot at opposing him in the 2015 municipal election, she joined the call to action. After heading down to headquarters every day to volunteer, she was eventually hired as a staff member of Jesus “Chuy” García’s mayoral campaign during the historic runoff election.

After García fell short in that race, Shana went on to become a founding member of The People for Bernie Sanders, and as a result founded the statewide organization, Illinois for Bernie Sanders (IL4B). IL4B utilized inexpensive digital tools Slack, CRM database, social media along with a distributed model strategy. With her uncanny ability to onboard volunteers and activate them to harness immense amounts of organized people power, IL4B was imperative to getting Bernie on the ballot in Illinois. In fact, the grassroots effort was so well organized, that the official campaign ended up setting up shop in a state that they had previously seen as unviable.
It was clear through this work that a long lasting progressive movement was growing in the streets. Shana has been organizing, both electoral and movement work, ever since, as an active member of several local organizations: Our Revolution Illinois, Illinois Poor People’s Campaign, Northside Democracy for America, Chicago DSA, Illinois Single Payer Coalition, United Working Families and Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression.
Delegate | Our Revolution IL State Organizing Committee 10/18 – present
Won position after amassing endorsements from 18 Our Revolution chapter leaders, 21 Illinois Bernie Sanders 2016 delegates, and 18 elected officials, including State Representative Will Guzzardi and State Senator Daniel Biss.
Consultant | Amara for Chicago 07/18 – present
Outreach to aldermanic candidates, influencers and community members to build strategic partnerships and garner grassroots support for progressive candidate Amara Enyia in her bid to win the upcoming 2019 Chicago mayoral election. Recruitment of campaign staff.
Board Member | Our Revolution Illinois / Chicago 08/17– present
Was integral to the development of the organization’s candidate endorsement process and led the processing of all candidate questionnaires. Acted as liaison between volunteers and campaigns of our endorsed candidates, and planned and produced well attended base building events.
Elected Delegate | Democratic Socialists of America 06/17 – 08/17
Elected by peers to act as Delegate representing Chicago DSA at the 2017 national convention. Researched resolutions and participated in democratic process to change organization structure and set national priorities.
Consultant | State Representative Will Guzzardi 09/16 – 12/16
Developed and executed outreach strategies for the launch of the Tuition Free Illinois campaign. Recruited coalition partners, and managed social media and e-communication campaigns. Coordinated campaign launch party and subsequent college tour.
Illinois Digital and Volunteer Coordinator | Bernie 2016 02/16 – 03/16
Identified urgent campaign needs and found quick solutions through recruitment, training, and management of a group of 50-100 volunteers daily. Acquired venues for large-scale rallies.
State Director and Co-Founder | Illinois for Bernie Sanders 04/15 – 08/16
In a state not previously seen as viable campaign ground, amassed critical grassroots support that brought the official Bernie 2016 Presidential Campaign to our state. Curated and produced dynamic events, managed statewide digital resources and organized ongoing voter engagement that mobilized support into action. This group began as an offshoot of The People for Bernie Sanders and after the primary became Illinois Progressive Network.
Consultant and Volunteer Coordinator | García for Chicago 02/15 – 04/15
Forced the first runoff election in Chicago mayoral history. Activated regular people to engage in the political process. Garnered grassroots support via creation and execution of social media campaigns.
Executive Director and Founder | Girl Group Chicago 03/12 – 03/15
Concepted, created and established an all-female performing arts group with 45+ working members. Spearheaded the development and implementation of organizational policies, procedures and operational committees, and organized complex special and multimedia events. Managed all PR with local and national media.