Took a break from writing for an extra day this weekend because so much is going on and I am having trouble focusing on things. These revolutionary uprisings taking place across the U.S. have been truly inspiring… but the enactment of martial law, curfews, shutdowns of public transit and the occupation of our communities by a militarized police force and National Guard — have been frightening developments. I am feeling both that we are on the precipice of real systemic change, along with “this won’t end well.”
I guess my question today is, if those in power really wanted the people to calm down and stop protesting, wouldn’t they: A) cede to at least some of their demands; B) stop deliberately provoking them through occupying communities with military forces; and/or C) stop disorienting people and making their everyday lives more difficult during a pandemic by shutting down entire parts of the city, streets, public transit, etc.?

Here is the footage of an amazing press conference posted by Black Lives Matter Chicago today, check it out.