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Day 54
Been working today on the next statewide call I am facilitating for the Illinois Poor People’s Campaign. Excited that we will have Natasha Erskine from Chicago Veterans for Peace on to discuss ending the war economy (one of the Poor People’s Campaign’s “5 pillars”). Being from a military family (both of my grandfathers, my uncle and my brother are veterans), I have seen the human cost of war firsthand. And this doesn’t even take into consideration the impact on generations of family members, or human cost on “the other side.”

If you’re reading this, I hope you will consider participating in this call! See the call details below.
Please join us for the next Illinois Poor People’s Campaign’s Statewide Action Call on Wednesday, May 13th at 8pm Central! Learn the latest about this historic campaign, hear report backs from impacted folks across the state and find out what you can do right now to plug in.
Our political education segment for this week will be led by Natasha Erskine (Deputy Coordinator for Chicago’s Veterans For Peace). She will discuss the war economy.
Registration for this call is required, and you will be emailed call-in information upon registering (please check your spam/junk folder if you can’t find the email).
Registration link:
Natasha is a U.S. Air Force combat Veteran who retired from active duty after 20 years in 2016. She served in a myriad of roles across eleven commands and assignments. Her experiences afforded a unique perspective on militarism, the military industrial complex and racism. Natasha is the proud parent of a phenomenal Chicago Public Schools high school student. She is the Deputy Coordinator for Chicago’s Veterans for Peace.
Day 53
Today I found out another petty man has prevented me from political advancement. Advancement that I am well due because of years of labor I have put into a particular campaign, practically free of charge (full disclosure: I was a paid employee just for a short 1.5 month stint back in 2016).
It is the same man who prevented me from being appointed to a similar role back in 2016, I assume because I am just a “nobody” who won’t kiss his ring. He’s right: I don’t believe in blind loyalty. I am interested in working hard and doing the right thing to push policies and systems that benefit people. I am interested in expanding democracy so it is more fair and inclusive — not juking the system to promote my friends and cronies.
This mentality I have does not get you far in politics, particularly if you are a woman.
It is pervasive how often a man will keep a female colleague back for this reason or that reason. A reason as small as one semi-powerful man not “liking” you, can prevent you from moving forward for an entire career. And in the “he said/she said” routine, in my experience, those involved almost always defer to what “he said.”
So ready for the patriarchy to end…
Day 52
Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
Day 51
I have always had difficulty writing. It’s not that I am a bad writer; the process has just always been stressful for me. I agonize over what to write about, and how to best describe what I am thinking… I beat myself up for not being more eloquent, or think that no one will even read what I write (or care).
I have seen writing as a practice — you’re supposed to write in your journal or diary regularly, for example. And I have always felt I lack the discipline to do so (I typically experience creative energy in short bursts and then I move on to the next thing).
The idea behind writing a blog post on my website each day was that I will practice the act of putting my thoughts and/or feelings into words. And that it might help structure my days, or help me become more disciplined.
But some days it is really, really hard. The negative self-talk can be deafening at times.
Day 50
I am scared by the lack of compassion we have for one another. Without the ability to communicate effectively (and be vulnerable), I don’t see how that is going to change any time soon.
If you pay attention, in interpersonal situations our thoughts often travel to the most negative of possibilities. If you don’t hear from your partner when you should, you might assume they are with someone else, or they don’t care about you, or that something else terrible (robbery? car accident?) happened. Without that call that says, “hey honey, I was stuck at work late so I won’t be able to talk tonight” we can easily spiral out.
Now imagine millions of people, many of whom are at political odds with one another — and who have no personal connection at all. People who could not communicate effectively if they tried. Insert communicable disease, guns, money, the internet, the state… sounds like a recipe for disaster, right?
Day 49
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Day 48
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Day 47
Isn’t it the darndest thing — when you think you have hit your very lowest point… and life turns right around and slaps you with the possibility of the (seemingly) impossible.
Day 46
Today I am thinking about love, and forgiveness… about when it is worth it to accommodate others and when it is important to stay true to who I am.